Human Rights and Religious Freedom


Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, every human is born free and their fundamental human rights is to be universally protected.

Human rights and Religious Freedom form a cornerstone of Sikh belief, and Sikh history features many examples of Sikh Gurus and their followers making countless sacrifices for the cause of religious freedom and justice.

Sikhism teaches religious freedom. All people have the right to follow their own paths without condemnation or coercion from others.

Sikhism stands for Human Rights, equality, freedom of conscience, ethical living.  The Sikhs have a long heritage of speaking out against injustice, standing up for the defenseless, working for civil liberties against human oppression, and fighting for justice where it doesn’t exist.

However, the human rights and relgious freedom is under suppression worldwide. We strive to raise the human rights and relgious freedom violation of minoirities and marginalzed living worldwide. We cooridnate with like-minded partners to emphasize on restoring these values.

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